Enroll Your Next Class
with ForwardIQ Forecast

Unlock your institution’s true potential with software for strategic enrollment management.

Challenges Addressed

Understand Your Market

In a dynamic landscape, market conditions impact your funnel. We reveal the intricate impact of population shifts, demographic changes, college-going rates, and mobility on your institution.

Identify Optimal Goals

Eliminate guesswork in goal setting. Our insights showcase the attainability of your objectives, helping you identify necessary investments and strategies for success.

Optimize Enrollment Efforts

Assess multiple paths to your goals, pinpointing the optimal plan for your institution’s unique circumstances.

What To Expect


Set Informed Goals

Project future enrollment and net tuition revenue using recent historical data and future market variables.


Strategic Impact

Calculate the influence of different enrollment and recruitment strategies on your future enrollment.


Real-time Adaptation

Account for real-time variables to understand their impact on future enrollment.

How 3E Helps

Streamlined Data

We make your life easier by consolidating all necessary data in one accessible place for a quick assessment of enrollment goals.

Unique Insight

Our Competitive Index uncovers geographic markets, factoring in population shifts, migration rates, and college-going rates to understand their impact on future enrollment.

Quick ROI

Skip lengthy assessments; establish well-informed enrollment goals in days, not months.

3E Approach

Market Data to Drive Strategic Growth


Historical Data

Leverage past performance and future variables for goal setting.


3E Competitive Index

Identify markets with the most potential, considering demographic shifts, migration rates, and college-going rates.


3E Forecast Planner

Calculate how different strategies influence future enrollment.

“To be able to compare our goals to our likely trajectory and then create scenarios to achieve our goals is the exact conversation my CFO and I have been looking for” VP of Enrollment Management, Private University in the South

3E Insights

Navigating the Future: The Pitfalls of Short-Term Predictions for Educational Institutions

In the fast-paced landscape of education, the closure of 15 non-profit colleges in 2023… 

From Prediction to Action: Running Scenarios for Future Enrollment Planning

In this webinar, we’ll connect all the pieces together and show you how to use your…

What’s in Your Future? Know with the 3E Run Rate & Scenario Simulator.

If you keep to your current strategy, what will the actual impact of demographic…

Other Solutions to Consider