Revolutionizing Higher Education: Introducing 3E ForwardIQ Academics – Unlocking Growth Potential in Minutes

3E Enrollment Marketing is proud to announce the launch of their groundbreaking product, 3E ForwardIQ Academics. Designed exclusively for higher education institutions, this cutting-edge software empowers institutional leaders to seize new academic program growth opportunities, assess program viability, and optimize academic program mixes within minutes. By revolutionizing the way academic program strategies are conducted, 3E ForwardIQ Academics is set to transform the landscape of higher education.

With the education industry rapidly evolving, the need for data-driven decision-making has become paramount. Since 2013 U.S. colleges and universities introduced over 40,000 new degree or certificate programs. However, 50% of those programs have failed with an average negative financial impact of $2,000,000 per failed program. This situation has placed immense pressure on institutions to grow new academic programs that can compete for students and funding. Time is of the essence, and the ability to strategically assess opportunities quickly can be the defining factor between success and missed opportunities.

Enter 3E ForwardIQ Academics, the only tool of its kind that provides a comprehensive solution to these challenges. Gone are the days of waiting for months to complete assessments through consulting firms or institutional research teams. With this innovative software, institutional leaders can evaluate program viability, vet academic planning, and identify growth opportunities in record time. What used to take years can now be accomplished in minutes.

“3E ForwardIQ Academics is a game-changer for higher education institutions. It empowers leaders with the data and insights needed to make informed decisions and drive strategic growth,” said Patricia Maben, President of 3Enrollment Marketing. “We are excited to provide a solution that revolutionizes the way academic program assessments are conducted, saving institutions time and resources while unlocking their true potential.”

Key Features of 3E ForwardIQ Academics:

  • Program Opportunity Score: Identifies the potential of an academic program, allowing leaders to gauge its market viability and growth potential.
  • Academic Program Scenario Planner: Enables leaders to test the impact of adding or eliminating academic programs on enrollment and revenue, providing invaluable insights within minutes.
  • Academic Program Mix Health Score: Allows users to compare their current program mix to optimal mixes, facilitating informed decision-making and strategic planning.

Benefits for Higher Education Institutions:

  • Speed to Market: Institutions can quickly identify and capitalize on new program opportunities, gaining a competitive edge in the market.
  • Enrollment and Revenue Optimization: Leaders can plan and optimize their enrollment strategies, maximizing revenue potential for new academic programs.
  • Optimal Program Mix: The tool empowers institutions to identify the ideal program mix that aligns with their goals and market demands.

What sets 3E ForwardIQ Academics apart is our understanding of the challenges faced by higher education leaders. We consolidate all the necessary data in one convenient platform, allowing program viability assessments to be completed in a matter of minutes. Our unique Program Mix Health score provides a relative comparison, enabling users to evaluate their current program mix against their desired scenarios. With 300 years of experience in optimizing enrollment strategies, our team has created a one-of-a-kind, on-demand software solution rooted in higher education, yet informed by leading growth industries.

Embrace the future of academic program planning with 3E ForwardIQ Academics. With its all-in-one platform and consolidated data sources, institutions can make strategic decisions with unmatched speed and flexibility. Say goodbye to manual processes and welcome the new era of data-driven decision-making.

About 3 Enrollment Marketing, Inc.
3 Enrollment Marketing Inc. is a national leader in modern agile enrollment marketing solutions, built for higher ed and delivered by experts. Our comprehensive, tech-enabled solutions are designed to break through the noise and drive action from digital natives (i.e., high school students, adult learners) and their influencers (i.e., parents, counselors). Utilizing 3E’s 360º experience campaigns that are retail-inspired, personalized, and interactive, higher ed institutions of all sizes can successfully compete, and win, in today’s complex environment and meet their enrollment goals year after year.