Putting the Pieces Together for Enrollment Success

3E Forward IQ with Sean Shaikun

Does the data say there is an enrollment cliff coming? Sure, higher education is undergoing a transformation, but is it a cliff? We don’t think so. We agree that shifting student populations, escalating costs, and fierce competition from flagship and prestigious universities are creating unprecedented challenges. But a cliff? No way. Many institutions are still […]

Turn Rising Seniors into Applicants with 3E Awareness Rising Seniors

Announcing 3E Awareness Rising Seniors

Land as much as 50% of next year’s class, this year. February 3, 2025 3 Enrollment Marketing, Inc. (3E), one of the largest enrollment marketing solutions providers in higher education, announces the launch of 3E Awareness Rising Seniors, a new solution designed to help institutions engage with prospective students during their junior year spring semester. […]

Do Cookies Matter? Not as Much as You Think.

Are cookies overrated? An image of an actual chocolate chip cookie

In today’s digital world, everyone discusses data privacy and cookieless advertising. So, how do we keep engaging students when the cookie crumbs are drying up? At 3 Enrollment Marketing, Inc., we’ve sunk into what we do best – solving problems to drive results. By leveraging AI, data, and an advanced marketing tech stack, we’ve moved […]

Securing Future Scholars: Summer Engagement Strategies

Conversion Enrollment

Don’t let summer melt steal your committed students! Learn 3 key strategies to keep them engaged and excited for college! (from a former Admissions Director). At 3E Enrollment Marketing we have helped position our partner institutions to secure their fall classes. We do that with thoughtful and interactive yield and summer melt campaigns. 3E believes […]

Reimagining Higher Education: A Moonshot Approach to Strategic Planning

3E Modern Strategic Planning Blog

In higher education, the traditional approach to strategic planning is proving to be ineffective. Despite efforts to address challenges, many institutions continue to face financial difficulties, with some even closing their doors. It’s clear that a new approach is needed—one that is bold, innovative, and transformative.  The Real Problem  The challenges facing higher education are […]

Crafting Digital Excellence: Unveiling the Power of 3E Design Science

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital solutions, user experience reigns supreme. Enter 3E Design Science, a powerhouse methodology designed to elevate digital interactions. Let’s delve into the core principles that make this approach a game-changer for businesses aiming to leave a lasting impact. CONSISTENT & REPETITIVE: Building Cohesion and Trust At the heart of 3E […]

Navigating the Competitive Landscape in Enrollment Management: A Strategic Imperative

Introduction: In the ever-evolving realm of recruitment and enrollment management, strategic intelligence plays a pivotal role. This article delves into the importance of understanding competitive information for universities seeking a robust enrollment strategy.  The Significance of Competitor Awareness: Recruitment is not conducted in isolation; it’s a dynamic interplay influenced by competitors and institutional strategies. Regular […]

Maximize Yield for Student Enrollment: Practical Advice

In the realm of student recruitment, attracting applicants is only half the battle. The true challenge lies in converting those admitted into enrolled students. Yield management is pivotal in this process, encompassing everything from initial communication and campus tours to enrollment. To improve yield, it’s crucial to identify new tactics that improve yield and shed […]