9 Best Practices for Moving Your In-Person Student Events to an Online Experience

It’s the same, but different. Everything is in the process of moving online: classes, office hours, health services—and all of your prospective and admitted student events. The move to online makes sense. The need for your prospective and admitted students to experience your campus and meet the people who make up your great institution remains […]
5 Steps to Lower Student Barriers to Enrollment and Strengthen Your 2020 Results

Provide new paths to help students move forward. While the current crisis has presented new challenges for students, families, and the institutions that serve them, there is also opportunity for us to rethink some of the ways enrollment offices have traditionally approached applications, yield, and melt. We can better accommodate the situation students and families […]
An Unprecedented Enrollment Environment Calls for Unprecedented Enrollment Leadership

Seven must-do’s to step up as an Enrollment Leader. No other time in higher ed history has tested the Enrollment Management profession more than right now. Today, an unprecedented time, true enrollment management leaders will rise. Higher education relies on you, enrollment leaders, to meet the enrollment goals of your institution and today, achieving those goals is in question, as they were established long before the current environment.
Why Higher Education Should Have Only One Facebook Page

Most institutions of higher education have one website. They often have one LinkedIn Company Page. One YouTube channel. And then… many, many Facebook Pages.
Crisis Communications – Best Practices for Higher Ed

Things are different, strange and unsettling. Being in the middle of a pandemic has changed the very ground rules we live by; so much of what we were doing, we are not doing today.